Sunday Sermon - 2 March
As we celebrate the Transfiguration of our Lord, Rev. John shares what it means to be transfigured by faith. Read his sermon here.

Sunday Sermon - 10 February
In this week’s sermon, Rev. John outlines the three stages of the Christian journey - divine calling, courage and transformation. Read it here.

Sunday Sermon - 2 February
Everyone loves Groundhog Day but whether the revelatory rodent sees his shadow or not, Christians need not despair when life gets wintery. Read Rev. John’s latest sermon here.

Sunday Sermon - 27 January
This week’s sermon gives us a whirlwind tour through the history of the Bible, a primer on how to read scripture, and a look at what happens when we do. Read it here.

Sunday Sermon - 19 January
How much do you know about the founding father of St John’s, Rev. Vincent Clementi? In this week’s sermon, Rev. John does a deep dive into Clementi’s past and the lessons it holds for us today. Read it here.

Sunday Sermon - 12 January
Why was Jesus baptized? As the sinless, son of God, was it really necessary? Luke’s Gospel points us to the answers. Read Rev. John’s sermon here.

Sunday Sermon - 5 January
The greatest gift the Magi gave the baby Jesus wasn’t gold, frankincense, or myrrh. In this week’s Epiphany sermon, Rev. John explains the true nature of their role in Christ’s story. Read it here.

Sunday Sermon - 29 December
Why does Luke’s Gospel remind Rev. John of Christmas classic, Home Alone? What do Kevin McCallister’s parents have in common with Mary and Joseph? Get the answers in this week’s sermon here.

Christmas Eve Sermon
"Christmas is a magical, mystical season of light. I pray that your light of love shines beyond this night, into your many tomorrows. I pray that, in those moments when you may feel in darkness, someone brings a ray of loving light to you. I pray that when you see someone in their moment of darkness, you will be their light of love." Read Rev. John’s Christmas sermon here.

Sunday Sermon - 23 December
On the last Sunday of Advent, Rev. John looks at the relationship between Mary and Elizabeth, calling us to be the ‘Elizabeth’ in our own lives. Read the sermon here

Sunday Sermon - 8 December
If you find Christmas difficult, you're not alone. In this powerful sermon, Rev. John examines how to spiritually prepare for the festive season by being vulnerable and opening our hearts to God…even when it hurts. Read it here.

Sunday Sermon - 1 December
Have you heard of the Advent Paradox? Rev. John breaks down this difficult concept, explaining the dual nature of the season and how we need God’s grace to fully understand it. Read his sermon here

Sunday Sermon - 24 November
Against the backdrop of corruption, war, and poor political leadership, it’s easy to become disheartened in today’s world. On Reign of Christ Sunday, Rev. John highlights the saving grace of our true king and the promise of His eternal kingdom. Read his sermon here

Sunday Sermon - 17 November
Elizabeth I, Florence Nightingale, Mary Sumner, Roberta Tilton. On ACW Sunday, Rev. John shares the story of the history-making Anglican women who helped shape the church. Read his sermon here.

Sunday Sermon - 10 November
On Remembrance Sunday, Rev. John shares what it means to earn the sacrifice of the fallen. Read his sermon here.

Sunday Sermon - 3 November
Why the raising of Lazarus is so much more than a biblical ghost story, and how Christians should honour their dead. Read Rev. Runza’s Hallowtide sermon here.

Sunday Sermon - 28 October
In 1843, Karl Marx famously claimed that religion was the “opium of the people”. Rev. Runza explains how Job and Bartimaeus prove him wrong. Read the sermon here.

Sunday Sermon - 20 October
Overcoming our human limitations by embracing the unknown and walking in faith. Read Rev. John’s latest sermon here.

Sunday Sermon - 13 October
As we celebrate Thanksgiving, Rev. John reflects on how gratitude makes us happier, healthier, and closer to the Kingdom of God. Read his sermon here.

The Blessing of the Animals
Celebrating St Francis of Assisi and his message of care for all creation