Lakefield Creative Arts Group

The Lakefield Creative Arts Group began in 2010 as an outreach program to bring artists together in fellowship. The group currently has around 25 members and we’re always happy to welcome newcomers! We invite you to participate, create, and enjoy the camaraderie and support we give each other.

Our group meets at St John’s every Monday from 9:30am - 2pm (excluding the third Monday of the month) but takes a summer break in July and August. 

Members pay $7 per session, from which $5 goes to St John’s for the use of the church and $2 goes to the group’s petty cash fund for supplies. We host an annual fundraiser to support the Lakefield Community Food Bank.

For more information, contact:

Sharon Harper, Co-Ordinator - sharper6622 ‘at’ 

Ann Turner-Murphy, Treasurer & Communications - ca.da2020 ‘at’