Lakefield Community Food Bank
The Lakefield Community Food Bank is St John’s most far-reaching ministry, serving a growing number of households in Selwyn Township, Douro-Dummer Township and Curve Lake First Nation.
A member of Kawartha Food Share, the Food Bank is entirely volunteer run. We depend on community donations to help us provide food for many individuals and their families. More people are having to turn to our food bank for help, and it is important to us that we are there to give them the support that they need.
In 2024, we served:
an average of 82 households each week
an average of 206 people each week
As you can see from the graphs below, need in our community has been steadily increasing since 2017, with a growing number of households experiencing food insecurity.
May God bless and protect our recipients! And thank you to all our volunteers and supporters - we couldn’t do it without you.
For further information, contact Lakefield Community Food Bank Coordinator Sandra Peacock (sandrapeacock01@gmail.com) or visit the Lakefield Community Food Bank Facebook page.
Food donations can be dropped off at the food bank on Mondays and Tuesdays between 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. During these times, there will be a bin at the Regent Street door for the drop-off of food donations. An alternate drop-off location is available at Lakefield Foodland.
If you wish to receive food from the Lakefield Community Food Bank, please read our current procedures here. We monitor and follow all current public health protocols and recommendations.
If you would like to make a monetary donation to the Lakefield Community Food Bank please make the cheque payable to St John the Baptist Anglican Church (on the memo line write ‘food bank’) and mail it to:
Lakefield Community Food Bank
℅ St John the Baptist Anglican Church
PO Box 217
81 Queen Street
Lakefield, ON
K0L 2H0
You can also drop your donation into the locked mailbox outside St John’s Regent Street entrance. A tax receipt can be given for donations over $20. Please provide your mailing address in order to receive a tax receipt.
If you’d like to donate online, you can do so via Canada Helps here. Under ‘Fund’, select ‘Lakefield Community Food Bank’.