Our Mission
Our church seeks the transforming and healing power of Christ in our lives, as we strive to become more faithful, joyful, disciples of Christ. To that end, we look for opportunities to make a difference in our community and beyond - glorifying God, upholding the authority of scripture, highlighting the importance of prayer and acknowledging the power of the Holy Spirit.
We believe in one God who has revealed Himself in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
We believe the essence of our faith is summarized in the words of the creeds adopted by the early Christian Church and which we confess regularly
We believe in a loving God, who created the universe, the solar system, this planet and all creatures upon it, and created human beings in God’s image
We believe God loves us so much that God came to find us when we were lost and reconciled us to God and one another through the life, death, and resurrection of his son Jesus Christ
We take the Bible very seriously, believing it is God’s word reliably received and that it provides the directions for how God desires us to live. Our worship is Bible-based: we read from the Bible at every service, and what we teach is deeply rooted in the Bible
We believe God sends us out to share the Good News of God’s love by serving our neighbours of every kind
We believe that God intends for us to be connected to one another in community, to take care of one another, to love one another as God loves us